Mr. Duncan's English Course: Lesson 1
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Chapter 8-2: Greetings and Saying Goodbye
As the title suggests: This video will teach you how to say hello and bid anyone farewell in English. In the clip is Mr. Duncan, he'll help you out on how to do this. All I have to say is just watch the video carefully and try to practice every single sentence that Mr. Duncan used in the clip. I'm sure you'll be able to do more than saying hello and bidding someone farewell in English.
And yes, many phrases used along with greetings and farewell, depending on the circumstances....Just watch, learn, and enjoy the video, okay!?
Chapter 8: The Same Old Things
Maybe it's time to reestablish my blog once again. See you soon!
Friday, March 4, 2011
Chapter 7: The Halfway to Perfection
No matter what I've said, though. I'm still tempting on translating things by the way. I've almost forgotten to add news to my blog. You'll see some of them here...
Rumor has it; there were so many students' parents visiting the website: (The doctors' council site). No less than several hundred thousands times has been recorded.
Prof. Dr. Awut Srisukree, secretary general of the Doctors' Council said that there were 29 thousands of high-school students applied for the entrance exam but only 25 thousands of them actually took the test. And only 1,531 of them passed the test. Those who'd passed the test will be called for the interview and have a physical examination at their chosen university in the early March.
If there is any resignation occurs or the number doesn't meet the requirement, the Council may announce the second result.
However, there are 10 thousands more students volunteer themselves to the entrance exam this year...
This year's competition is like 1 part 17.
Unlike last year, in which there were 1,375 students out of 22,000 to pass the entrance exam. It was like 1 part 16 that year.
The Council's top scorer is "Ben" Tipok Rukumnuoykit, grade 12 of Patoomwan Srinakharinwirot Demonstration School. He's got 81.7460, which is the highest score for the faculty of medicines in Chulalongkorn University.
While the last year still retained higher marks: 83.0400 out of 100 from "Dell" Natchakorn Kwankajornwong, grade 12 student from Triamudomsuksa School who possesses 3.92 GPA. and held the first place that year...
There was inside news regarding "Ben" had taken an exam for applying himself to Triamudomsuksa but the school he belongs to persuaded him to earn honor and glory for himself and Patoomwan Srinakharinwirot Demonstration School, what a notorious deal...
This is why Triamudomsuksa loses to Patoomwan even Pasin Manurangsi, the top-notch student from Krungthep Christian College who had been highly anticipated as the top student to be the first of new generation of doctors of Chulalongkorn University. This one possesses the most promising GPAs and had been a representative to compete in the Olympic's Computer Contest, 2010. Not only that, he also decorated himself with the gold medal from Olympic's Academic Contest (Mathematics) 2008 with the eighth place comparing to others throughout the world.
The inside also said that the marks between Tipok and Pasin was like a close call...
But in number, Triamudomsuksa is still a champion.
Latest news: Triamudomsuksa's website claims that 139 of them are in Chulalongkorn University, 134 in the Sirirat and 54 of them in Ramathibodee. All of these numbers are students who pass the entrance exam to be medical students.
While Tipok says he's glad to be the one who passed the test to be the Chulalongkorn student and had the highest GPAs of 4.00 in his eleventh grade.
He also reveal his secrets on preparing himself before the examination day; diligently read books on corresponding topics and review them regularly. He also said that he reads book at night, approximately from 8 pm. till midnight. And on his preparation for the medical entrance, he buys medical books for reading since the weight of the profession mark is 30% of the entire marks. He also take a chance consulting other senior students who attended to the Olympic Academic Camp too.
He admits that he takes tutoring classes too, namely Mathematics, English, Thai and Social just in case of preparing himself to compete for the King's Scholarship. He had taken that chance and the result will reveals itself in March, 10, 2011.
"I like studying medical sciences because my mother was a nurse and my aunt is a pharmacist. I also like sciences because I'm good at physics and had a chance to attend to the Olympic's Physics Camp too. These are reasons why I'd love to study both of them." That's what Tipok says.
There's a rumor that not less than 10 top-notch students will give in the chance and take the King's Scholarship instead.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Interlude I: Haiku
Whew...I won't talk anything much, though. Let's see the piece then...

An over-weighted chick
wants to play hoola hoop -
epic fail...
Heh...It's funny to see such chick playing hoola hoop. I wonder if she can move her hip...
That's enough for funny part, I'm tweaking my blog right now...
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Chapter 6: House Registration Form
Personally, I don't want to disclose my own information about my house and anything contains along with it, so I'll encrypt it in some kind of folder for you to see...
But stay tune, though. It's because of I'll have to wait for my father's permission to see the whole document first...
You're still free to see other contents of mine within this blog. I'm writing the next entry right now...
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Chapter 5: Give Me My Heart Back
Give Back The Heart - Tukkatan Chollada
What happen to our love?
Why do all good things’ve faded away, by the time being.
Like we care each other no more; what I feel means nothing.
Have you asked your mind; you still love me or not?
And what about our promise, do you still hold true?
You pretend to be busy, holding those belongings,
When we walk together, you seems so far away.
You’ve made me realized; our love is just to endure.
*If our love is too much, then please give back our hearts;
You just have to tell me once; what do you want from me?
If we’re not each others’ type, then don’t care what people say,
If our love actually ends here, then we should have ended it as well.*
**I’m still waiting for your words;
When you’re ready, please explain it to me.
For when your heart’s been changed;
Is it because of me, or you…who’d changed your mind?
Since when you love me no more…could you please tell me?
Is it because of me, or you…who’d changed your mind? **
(repeat * and ** again)
Okay, I think that'll be enough...
P.S. I swear that's actually the singer's name. Though it's her stage name, to say the least...
Chapter 4: Indigo Sea
I won't talk about this song it'll surely spoil most of the noteworthy parts of this song...
"Indigo Sea" by Bodyslam
The deeper it is, the darker it becomes;
The more I try to find it, the more confused I'll be.
Who knows the true nature of one's heart?
In the great blue sea, who could give me the answer?
On the edge of the horizon, where the ocean is glittering.
What shall we find?
Deep within the mirror of sea so far away.
It's where you think it's nice...
but please look at it carefully,
and reconsider it more thoroughly.
If the things you've seen,
are nothing but a lie.
*The endless field of the great blue sea,
is like one's twisted mind;
like the great blue sea, unfathomable.*
**Are you still standing, or gone.
If one day the one you've trusted.
Is nothing like you've ever thought of him;
then nothing is beautiful after all.
What about inside;
one's unfathomable heart.
If that place isn't as safe as you've thought,
then who'll get to understand,
what my heart truly is?**
No matter how beautiful the sky is,
it'll be darken one day.
Like everyone of us, must hold some truth in one's heart.
You know this fact, right?
The dream and the truth is yet to be found,
I'm afraid, if that day was the truth,
which hurt you, and made you regretted.
(repeat *, **)
The indigo mystery, no one knows it, no one understands it.
So what am I? the edge of the stormy and cruelly beautiful sea?
I want nothing,
but the one who understands me thoroughly.
But what am I anyway?
and who'll be the one to walk pass....
(repeat *,** again.)
The indigo mystery, no one knows it, no one understands it.
So what am I? the edge of the stormy and cruelly beautiful sea?
I want nothing,
but the one who understands me thoroughly.
But what am I anyway?
and who'll be the one to walk pass this cruel truth with me?
Bah! that was pretty crappy, but I'll find my time to polish this translated lyrics for sure...just give me some times...